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Walk With Me LLC, provides Consultative Behavioral Analytic services as an authorized provider with the Department of Developmental Disability Services in the state of Delaware.  Contact your Support Coordinator or Community Navigator or visit the DDDS website to see if you qualify for this support. 


Assessment is the first step of the process.  Walk With Me will complete a functional behavioral assessment (FBA).  This process involves interviewing  you and primary caregivers who know you well, along with observing you in your home, at day program, or at work.  Other strategies may also be used, such as a Likert scale questionnaire, or review of records from other service providers.  Once completed, the FBA will help identify the areas of concern, along with reasons why these challenges persist.  This process enables us to help you and your caregivers develop a plan of support that will better meet your needs. 

Walk With Me Delaware


Behavior Support Plan (BSP) is the next step.  The treatment plan, or BSP, is developed based on the results of the FBA.  This plan will include many things, such as identifying all concerning behaviors, the reason why the behaviors occur, and a lot of strategies to help prevent the behaviors from happening.  This might include suggestions for how people talk to you, skills caregivers can teach you, as well as making some changes in your environment to make it more supportive of your needs.  Additionally, the BSP will include step by step guidelines for how caregivers are to support you when challenging situations do come up.  This plan is fluid and can be updated or changed at any time, but at a minimum, we will review this together at least once a year to make sure we are reaching your goals. 

Walk With Me delaware


Ongoing training for caregivers is the key to success.  Walk With Me will provide any caregivers, including paid staff, family members, or other natural supports with as much training as necessary to help them understand your needs.  When they understand your needs and know how to teach you new skills, that is when you will see steady improvements.  Training on the BSP will take place as often as necessary, which could be once a week, once a month, or once a year.  It all just depends on your needs, and your caregivers’ needs.   


Walk With Me will also attend appointments and meetings with you, with your consent of course.  During these appointments and meetings, we may talk with your other providers and care team members about progress made and make suggestions for additional improvements.  


The support you get from Walk With Me ends when we all agree your goals are being met consistently.  Some people may only need support from us for a couple of years, while others may need us for many years.  What is certain, as long as you need support from us, we will be here to provide it. 

Walk With Me delaware
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